Nord Anglia Education
Nord Anglia
12 January, 2023

Polar Bears and Ice

Polar Bears and Ice | BSB Sanlitun - Polar Bears and Ice

Year 1 have been looking at the topic of Polar Bears and Ice so far this term. We started off by looking at facts about Polar Bears, what they eat, what they have and also what they can do! We were very interested by the fact that Polar Bears can swim for as long as 10 days!

Polar Bears and Ice | BSB Sanlitun - Polar Bears and Ice 


We discovered that climate change is affecting the polar bears due to the melting of ice. From this we carried out a science experiment with ice, to see how we could slow down the process of ice melting! The children wrote up their predictions of what would happen to the ice in their chosen places around the school and then carried out the experiment and they then wrote up their findings.

Polar Bears and Ice | BSB Sanlitun - Polar Bears and Ice 


We have been looking at the Lonely Polar Bear story about a bear who is in search of his family and finds a spirit girl along the way. In the story, the Polar Bear spots the Northern Lights, and we have started on a project to make our own by using different chalk techniques. We are excited to see all the beautiful colours we can incorporate to look like the Northern Lights!


By Poppy Thompson

Year 1 Tigers Class Teacher