Nord Anglia Education
Nord Anglia
09 March, 2023

A Book Week Bonanza!

A Book Week Bonanza! | BSB Sanlitun - A Book Week Bonanza

Book Week is always one of the most highly anticipated events on our school calendar, and this year was no exception!

A Book Week Bonanza! | BSB Sanlitun - A Book Week Bonanza

The theme chosen this year was linked to award-winning author Michael Rosen. He is one of the best-known writers for children in the UK and also an award-winning poet. He oozes with imagination and enthusiasm, so who else better to bring to life the wonderful world of books, reading and story-telling than him!

A Book Week Bonanza! | BSB Sanlitun - A Book Week Bonanza 

Each class across the school chose a Michael Rosen book or poem to learn about over the week and the response from the children has been wonderful. They have enjoyed particular favourites such as: ‘Chocolate Cake’, ‘Sticky McStickstick’ and the all time classic, ‘We’re going on a bear hunt’. 


A Book Week Bonanza! | BSB Sanlitun - A Book Week Bonanza 

‘Be Kind’, is a motto you will hear echo through hallways, the playground and classrooms at BSB and this Book Week we wanted to bring together a love of books and the opportunity to help those who need it most. Through a collaboration with the Red Cross charity, our first ‘Pre-loved Book Sale’ came to life on Monday, and Tuesday thanks to the amazing second-hand book donations from our families and school community. Children in Upper Primary (Years 5 and 6), along with our fantastic parent volunteers ran the stall and had some very excited customers from Nursery all the way through to Year 6s. An incredible total of over 30,000rmb has been raised, which is a monumental achievement. We can’t wait to share our brilliant news with the Red Cross charity, who will be using the amount raised to help those effected by the devasting earthquakes in Syria and Türkiye. Thank you to everyone who donated, bought and supported this incredible event.

A Book Week Bonanza! | BSB Sanlitun - A Book Week Bonanza 


On Thursday, BSB Sanlitun had the honour of hosting ‘LiubaDraws’, a Beijing based author and illustrator, for our Upper Primary Leadership Lunch. She delivered an insightful presentation into the steps she took to become a published author and the inspiration behind her work to some of our Year 5 and 6 students. News of the visit also intrigued children from other year groups who came along to the book signing event too to get their own personal message written into their copy of ‘Liuba Draws Beijing’. 

A Book Week Bonanza! | BSB Sanlitun - A Book Week Bonanza

A Book Week Bonanza! | BSB Sanlitun - A Book Week Bonanza


We ended the week with the infamous Book Week dress up day, where BSB was overrun with characters from all sorts of tales, legends and classic stories.

A Book Week Bonanza! | BSB Sanlitun - A Book Week Bonanza

A Book Week Bonanza! | BSB Sanlitun - A Book Week Bonanza

A Book Week Bonanza! | BSB Sanlitun - A Book Week Bonanza

A Book Week Bonanza! | BSB Sanlitun - A Book Week Bonanza

A Book Week Bonanza! | BSB Sanlitun - A Book Week Bonanza

A Book Week Bonanza! | BSB Sanlitun - A Book Week Bonanza

A Book Week Bonanza! | BSB Sanlitun - A Book Week Bonanza



By Alexandra Chambers

Head of English, Year 5 Flamingos Class Teacher