Nord Anglia Education
Nord Anglia
31 March, 2023

English and Topic Lessons in Year 1

English and Topic Lessons in Year 1 | BSB Sanlitun - English and Topic Lessons in Year 1

Year 1 have been looking at the story The Three Little Pugs and the Big Bad Cat for our English and Topic lessons.

English and Topic Lessons in Year 1 | BSB Sanlitun - English and Topic Lessons in Year 1 


The children started off by thinking of their imperative verbs that could be used to build a house such as cut, pull, lift. Following on from this, they have been busy writing their lists on how to build a house using time connectives they have learnt previously. 

English and Topic Lessons in Year 1 | BSB Sanlitun - English and Topic Lessons in Year 1 


For our Topic lessons we have been discovering different types of materials and how they are made. First of all, the children did an egg drop experiment where they had to make something to protect the egg when it was dropped from a height! We then discussed the right type of materials to make a house and using junk modelling, they have been building their own houses in the hope that the hairdryer doesn't blow them down! 

English and Topic Lessons in Year 1 | BSB Sanlitun - English and Topic Lessons in Year 1



By Poppy Thompson

Year 1 Tigers Class Teacher