Nord Anglia Education
Nord Anglia
26 October, 2023

STEAM Week in Year 2

STEAM Week in Year 2 | BSB Sanlitun - STEAM Week in Year 2

Year 2 have been busy collaborating for STEAM week! They have researched autonomy, artificial intelligence and self-driving cars. They explored how self-driving cars make decisions and the impact they might have on our community. 

STEAM Week in Year 2 | BSB Sanlitun - STEAM Week in Year 2


We were impressed to see the children so committed to their groups when making their personalised cities and really enjoyed the challenge. The children were allocated specific roles by their group leaders and created buildings, bridges, roads, junctions, parks and even traffic lights to help to control the flow of traffic. After that was the testing stage where the groups programmed Beebots to move forwards, backwards, right and left. 

 STEAM Week in Year 2 | BSB Sanlitun - STEAM Week in Year 2
We had little people figures and some groups realised they had to add zebra crossings for pedestrians to safely cross the road. They could then see any problems or dangers the autonomous vehicle would face such as driving off the road or crashing into another self-driving car. We discussed the need for sensors and manmade barriers. Finally, each group reflected on what went well and how they could improve their city in future. It was great fun!



By Amy Devine

Year 2 Zebras Class Teacher