10 March, 2023

Women in STEAM Day

Women in STEAM Day - Women in STEAM Day
Women in STEAM Day
On the 7th of March, the Global Goals Team of the Social Impact Team held an assembly on Women in STEAM Day. 
On the 7th of March, the Global Goals Team of the Social Impact Team held an assembly on Women in STEAM Day, a day which aims to celebrate the accomplishments of women within the fields of Science, Technology, Arts and Mathematics and raise awareness of gender disparities within those disciplines. 

Within this celebration, we retold the life stories of several prominent women in STEAM and presented a video where members of the team conducted interviews with BSKL staff who have experience in STEAM fields. We felt that it was important to interview primary teachers because as secondary students, we are often disconnected from the primary campus. Through the interviews, we were able to establish connections with primary teachers, and expose students to a different perspective; enriching our understanding of the state of equal opportunity within STEAM.

As a diverse, inclusive community dedicated to the advancement of the Sustainable Development Goals, established by the United Nations, we believe that it is our responsibility to ensure that people of all genders are represented within all fields of study, and that young girls feel empowered to further their interests in STEAM even if these fields are currently male-dominated.