19 January, 2024

Year 9 career carousel

Year 9 career carousel - Year 9 career carousel
Year 9 career carousel
This week, our Year 9 students had the opportunity to meet with 14 professionals from various industries as part of their GCSE option choice process.
The aim was to give students a taste of different career paths and what their futures could hold. We had experts from HR, IT, Cyber Security, Sustainability, Medicine, AI, Business, Communications, Interpreting and Translation, Illustration, Logistics, and more come into the school to share their experiences, and each student chose the sessions that interested them. Overall, we were very impressed with the organisation and maturity of the students on the day, who moved around the speakers and locations efficiently.

This annual event is a key part of our support for Year 9 as they choose their GCSE subjects in February. It was great to see the students actively engaging, asking questions, and thinking about how their GCSE choices might influence their career journeys.

We're also grateful to the professionals who took the time to come and speak to our students. And a big thank you goes to Martin Lowe, the Head of Year, for his role in helping to facilitate the event. It was a successful morning, and we hope that our Year 9s found it both informative and enjoyable.