Dover Court Year 4 Parent Coffee Morning and Future Parent Events
Thank you to Year 4 parents for joining us last week. We look forward to seeing Year 5 next week!
Year 5 Parent Coffee Morning
Tuesday, 20th October
8.30am in the Music Room
Parent Workshop ‘How We Learn What We Learn’: Primary School Homework
Wednesday, 21st October
8.30am in Cooper Hall
DCA School Quiz Night
Friday, 23rd October
7.30pm in Cooper Hall
Year 6 Parent Coffee Morning
Tuesday, 27th October
8.30am in the Music Room
After the half term break, Year 5 parents are very welcome to attend the Year 5 Coffee Morning on Tuesday, 20th October at 8.30am in the Music Room. This will be a chance for you to informally meet other parents in the year group and to find out about Year 5 at DCIS. We hope you can make it!
There has been a slight change to the Parent Workshops in the next half term. Our Principal will be running a Parent Workshop on Wednesday, 21st October at 8.30am in Cooper Hall on Primary School Homework. However, the Secondary School session scheduled for 6pm the same day is going to be rescheduled once school returns.