Nord Anglia Education
Nord Anglia
12 February, 2016

Singapore - Changes over the last 40 years

Singapore - Changes over the last 40 years

Year 4AM performance during Upper Primary Assembly

Singapore - Changes over the last 40 years Year 4AM performance during Upper Primary Assembly

Year 4AM performance during Upper Primary Assembly

The children showed 3 iPad presentations: one about the effects of all the building work on wildlife, one about the changes that have taken place in Singapore and one about the famous buildings of Singapore.  Following on from this they also showed three iMovies which demonstrated their big art projects: firstly a BIG relief map of Singapore showing the “mountainous” areas of Singapore, second was a BIG map of Singapore showing reclaimed land and how it has grown and finally a video of two BIG art landscapes which show Singaporean houses and structures in 1970 and then in 2015.

The assembly ended with a song that was written by 5 girls in the class but performed by them all.  It was a great performance and the children enjoyed showing the work they have been producing this term.