Nord Anglia Education
Nord Anglia
28 April, 2016

Diorama Winners

Diorama Winners

Amazing dioramas from Nursery to Year 4

Diorama Winners Amazing dioramas from Nursery to Year 4

Amazing dioramas from Nursery to Year 4

Well done and thank you to everyone for making such a great effort at home to create some fantastic book dioramas. We have had some amazing entries, making Mrs Lebihan's job of judging a very difficult one. As a wrap up to World Book Week, we gave out awards for the best diorama from each year group.

After taking a careful look at all the dioramas in each class, we can now announce the winning entries for each year group:

  • Nursery: Jasmine (NCS), 'Please Mr Panda'
  • Reception: Jesse (RSJS), 'Tiddler'
  • Year 1: Gaia (1JF), 'The Gruffalo'
  • Year 2: Tara (2KN), 'Charlie and the Chocolate Factory'
  • Year 3: Oliver (3HK), 'Jungle Book'
  • Year 4: Giulia (4AM), 'Coral Reef'

All participants who created a diorama received a certificate from their teacher, and we hereby thank all students and parents for making this a memorable occasion for everyone.