Nord Anglia Education
Nord Anglia
07 June, 2016

Primary School May Highlights

Primary School May Highlights

Red Dot Radio interviews, EYFS visit to the Drama Centre Theatre to see The Rainbow Fish and Upper Primary trips to Centre Stage were just some of May's events

Primary School May Highlights Red Dot Radio interviews, EYFS catches the Rainbow Fish and Upper Primary visits Centre Stage

Red Dot Radio interviews, EYFS visit to the Drama Centre Theatre to see The Rainbow Fish and Upper Primary trips to Centre Stage were just some of May's events

Dear DCIS Parents and Guardians,

Although the end of the year may be in sight, the Primary School continues to be a busy place, and the pace is certainly not slowing down! This week is Assessment Week and students from Y1-Y4 will be showing what they know and can do, as they get down to the tests created by the teachers to assess their learning so far.

Over the next few weeks we have much to look forward to including Sports Days, educational visits, transition morning when the children will have the opportunity to move to their new group for the morning, end of year parties and for Y3 and Y4 a school disco!

Just to keep you in the loop with what is happening in the classrooms, here is snapshot of the current highlights:

This term all the children in EYFS headed off on a trip to the Drama Centre Theatre and enjoyed an amazing performance of The Rainbow Fish. They were captivated from the very beginning... From the singing and dancing, to the lights and stage, it was an amazing show. The children have also been leading their own learning this term and have had a great time exploring a variety of topics in all of the classrooms. It really has been a exciting term so far!
Students in Year 1 have been learning about different types of weather and the four seasons. Even though Singapore usually has only sun or rain, they have been sharing their own experiences of different seasons and have learned to describe the weather. They even created a Red Dot Radio broadcast and 
shared their thoughts about their favourite seasons. Learning about The Tempest during Book Week was great timing! Now Year 1 are moving onto plants and everyone has been encouraged to grow something edible at home for the duration of the project.

Recently, the whole of Year 2 went on a class trip to Centre Stage. While they were there they had a lot of fun creating music and a song with everyday objects, as well as creating dance and movements to match the myth, Icarus and Daedalus. 2SD, 2SH and 2RE have also performed their fantastic class assembly about animals and their habitats, sharing all of the information they have learned about a variety of creatures and places. 

Last week, 3GR and 3AH wowed us all with their assembly about adverts.  They showed us the TV adverts which they had made at home and shared with us their radio adverts for their favourite toys which were recorded in the schools’ very own Red Dot Radio Station! They used persuasive language to try and make us want to buy the toys and we think they did a great job!  We look forward to the next Year 3 assembly by 3RG and 3HK which is coming soon!

Year 4 were shocked when Dr Hopkin told them that games were not educational, so they have set out to prove him wrong. So, the students have all been working as a year group to design games which are both educational and fun. It has been a real challenge as the games had to have an electrical element to them as well! The students have also taken part in an educational visit to Centre Stage where they had the opportunity to develop their skills in improvisation, drama, voice projection and performing to peers. They have been working hard to earn as many fuzzy bees as possible and enjoying the rewards.

So, lots happening and still lots to look forward to as the end of term comes into view!

Reports will be out on Friday, 17th June. Following this we will be having our usual parent conferences on 22nd and 23rd June – more information is to follow on this. 

In the meantime, if you do have any questions then please don’t hesitate to ask.

Best regards,

Ms Kara Lebihan
Head of Primary School