Nord Anglia Education
Nord Anglia
25 January, 2018

2HB and 2RG's 'Shocking' Assembly!

2HB and 2RG's 'Shocking' Assembly!

2HB and 2RG shared the 'shocking' facts that they have learned about electricity in an assembly to the lower primary school.

2HB and 2RG's 'Shocking' Assembly! 2HB and 2RG shared shocking facts in their Lower Primary Assembly about electricity

2HB and 2RG shared the 'shocking' facts that they have learned about electricity in an assembly to the lower primary school.

The students opened their assembly with a real life experiment using balloons to explain what static electricity is. After sharing interesting facts about their project, 'It's Shocking', they performed a play to teach their peers about the dangers of electricity. This, along with singing, break dancing and a bit of rapping thrown in, made for an exciting Wednesday morning at DCIS!

Rebecca Goswell
Year 2 Class Teacher