Nord Anglia Education
Nord Anglia
13 June, 2018

2EN and 2HG Celebrate Hari Raya Puasa

Lower Primary Assembly 2EN 2HG EID mubarak 180613 link 540x329
2EN and 2HG Celebrate Hari Raya Puasa

This morning classes 2EN and 2HG shared the activities they have been participating in and what they have learned, in the build up to the Hari Raya Puasa celebrations.

2EN and 2HG Celebrate Hari Raya Puasa Lower Primary Assembly: 2EN and 2HG Celebrate Hari Raya Puasa

This morning classes 2EN and 2HG shared the activities they have been participating in and what they have learned, in the build up to the Hari Raya Puasa celebrations.

Hari Raya Puasa marks the end of the fasting month of Ramadan. During the Wednesday Lower Primary Assembly our students in 2EN and 2HG shared what they have learned about what Hari Raya means for Muslims and some of the key features of this important celebration.

The children shared a range of artwork, including: lanterns, paintings and crescent-moon mobiles.  Poems about giving thanks and appreciation for family members highlighted the importance of family during Hari Raya celebrations.

Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri!

Emma Noonan
Year 2 Teacher