Nord Anglia Education
Nord Anglia
23 August, 2018

Parent Coffee Mornings

Nursery and Reception Parent Coffee Morning Link 540x329
Parent Coffee Mornings

We hosted our first coffee morning for the 2018/19 academic year this morning.

Parent Coffee Mornings

We hosted our first coffee morning for the 2018/19 academic year this morning.


It was lovely to see so many of our new and returning Nursery and Reception parents in the Canteen. After a presentation from Mrs. Hancock, Director of Admissions and Marketing, our principal, Mr. Short and Mrs. Pereira the co-chair of our parent association DCA, the parents got the opportunity to meet the Primary School Leadership Team and get to know each other better over a cup of coffee. All classes in Nursery and Reception should now have a class parent representative that will connect all parents in the class. If you are unsure who your class representative is, please talk to your class teacher.


We will be hosting a series of coffee mornings over the next couple of weeks and hope to see you there!


Year 1 and Year 2 Friday 24th August Canteen
Year 7 Thursday 30th August Canteen
Year 3 and Year 4 Friday 31st August Canteen
Year 8 and Year 9 Friday 7th September Canteen
Year 5 and Year 6 Thursday 13th September Canteen
Years 10-13 Thursday 13th September Café