05 May, 2023

Choosing Subject Pathways

Subject 1
Choosing Subject Pathways
Choosing options can be a very exciting and challenging time for students, as optional choices can have a significant impact on academic and career pathways.

While this can be an opportunity to explore new interests, it can also be difficult to make the right decisions. At ISM, we advise students to pursue the following strategies:

  1. Before making any decisions, take some time to reflect on your interests, skills, and career aspirations. Consider what subjects you have enjoyed and what subjects align with your future objectives. We encourage students to reflect on this through our options form and PSHE lessons.
  2. While it is essential to choose subjects that you enjoy, do not be afraid to step outside of your comfort zone. Consider subjects that challenge you and expose you to new skills. Do not choose subjects just because your friends have picked them, but it is a good idea to focus on areas of strength.
  3. Talk to people with different perspectives and experiences, including: teachers, parents, peers, and your Head of Year. Get their insights on the subjects you are considering, the skills you can develop, and how they can help you achieve your goals.
  4. Research the prerequisites for your desired career or field of study and choose subjects that align with those requirements. Our Head of Sixth Form is more than happy to facilitate your search for these requirements.
  5. Consider whether you would prefer to take a subject that involves a heavier coursework component, or one that depends on your performance in tests at the end of your two-year course. Some students prefer the opportunity to collect marks separately to the examinations through their coursework. This requires a lot of work and organisation throughout the year but can take some of the pressure off the final examinations.

Finally, keep an open mind and remember that your interests and career aspirations may change over time. Be willing to adapt and make adjustments to your choices as needed.

Ultimately, choosing options subjects is a personal decision that requires careful consideration. By taking the time to conduct research and reflect on your choices and by keeping an open mind, you can make informed decisions that align with your ambitions.