Nord Anglia Education
Nord Anglia
27 February, 2023

Enrichment Programmes at ISM Rosinka

Enrichment Programmes at ISM Rosinka - Enrichment Programmes at ISM Rosinka
Enrichment programmes give students the opportunity to explore new activities, develop new skills and socialise with others outside of the classroom setting. 

Rosinka Campus is excited to announce that lunch time clubs have returned as part of our daily routine. This half term, children have been able to choose between a variety of activities in which to participate during lunch time, ranging from honing their sketching skills, practicing their skating moves on the ice rink, finding checkmates in chess club or even joining an orchestra.

Enrichment Programmes at ISM Rosinka - Enrichment Programmes at ISM Rosinka

We believe strongly in helping children find things they enjoy and this time at lunch gives them an extra opportunity to do so.

These new opportunities complement our existing After School Activities, which include Outdoor Club and Choir as well as the numerous ‘championships’ we have hosted, which have included paper planes, beanbag tossing and floor hockey.

Enrichment Programmes at ISM Rosinka - Enrichment Programmes at ISM Rosinka

As part of our After Schools clubs, Monday afternoons sees our children take part in our Outdoor Learning club where they practice orienteering, shelter building and cooking, culminating in an overnight stay in our Forest School area.

Enrichment Programmes at ISM Rosinka - Enrichment Programmes at ISM Rosinka

Charity initiatives also contribute to our enrichment offerings, with children encouraged to think about others and their needs, culminating in collections and sponsored events. This was evident most recently when our students asked if we could do something to help the people of Turkey and Syria after the catastrophic earthquake. This led to a non-uniform day and a collection of vital materials.

Enrichment Programmes at ISM Rosinka - Enrichment Programmes at ISM Rosinka

Of course, enrichment doesn’t just happen in school. There is no doubt that our children take part in activities outside of school. These activities can be as simple as reading together, playing boards games, attending extra classes, or visiting art galleries, zoos and museums. All these activities will add depth to your child’s knowledge.

Enrichment Programmes at ISM Rosinka - Enrichment Programmes at ISM Rosinka