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News image 2ADF36DBD4134E229685A5DE90E4C18D Blog | TeachingPractice | Teaching Practice
Why is it important to teach entrepreneurial skills?
Enterprise Week bridges the gap between school and the workplace. Read on to hear why we teach Enterprise Education here at NAISNY.
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News image Mind and hand philosophy_540X329 v3 Blog | TeachingPractice | Teaching Practice
The significance of “mind and hand” philosophy
MIT’s motto is Mens et Manus, or “mind and hand” in Latin. Mark Orrow-Whiting shares his insight on why the “mind and hand” philosophy is integral to our school’s approach to STEAM learning in collaboration with MIT.
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News image A in STEAM 540X329 Blog | TeachingPractice | Teaching Practice
The Importance of A in STEAM
Using the term STEAM versus STEM continues to be an ongoing debate among many educators. In his article Jack Cooper, MIT Lead for Southeast Asia, tells us the significance of having the A for STEAM.
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News image News Default Image Blog | Teaching Practice
How Children Learn: Portraits of Classrooms Around the World from
Photographer Julian Germain has been capturing the inner workings of schools around the world since 2004, from England to Nigeria to Qatar, in his large-scale photographs of schoolchildren in class. Classroom Portraits (public library) is part Where Children Sleep, — a poignant lens on a system-phenomenon that is both global in reach and strikingly local in degree of peculiarity, revealed through more than 450 portraits of schoolchildren from 20 countries--- a beautiful version of the Global Classroom...
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