Nord Anglia Education
Nord Anglia
13 July, 2017

First phase of re-development begins at our international school in Jakarta

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We will invest significantly in the school, its facilities, its teaching resources and, of course, its teachers.
Nord Anglia Education - Regional Managing Director
First phase of re-development begins at our international school in Jakarta When NIS in Jakarta joined the Nord Anglia Education family of schools in May 2017, an immediate commitment was made to investment in our school

When NIS in Jakarta joined the Nord Anglia Education family of schools in May 2017, an immediate commitment was made by NAE's Regional Managing Director for South East Asia: we will invest significantly in the school, its facilities, its teaching resources and, of course, its teachers.

We are pleased to report that the first phase of that investment is now (June 2017) underway. Many of the most immediate improvements will be completed before the children return for the first day of the academic year (14 August 2017), with longer-term and more substantial improvements taking place over the course of 2017/18 and indeed beyond.

Investment in teaching and learning resources

With the guidance of the incoming Principal, Niki Meehan, we have immediately purchased almost 200 items (USD 40,000) of new teaching resources for the Early Years (ages 1.5 to 5 years), which will significantly improve the children’s learning experience inside and outside of the classroom. Designed to encourage learning through play and exploration, the new items will be delivered from the UK before 10 August 2017.

Investment in the campus and facilities

Over time and with careful consideration, Nord Anglia Education will undertake a major upgrade to the school’s facilities. In the short term – and works started in June 2017 – we are tackling several immediate projects which collectively will enhance the quality of what is already an attractive and garden-like campus.

  • The renovation and redecoration of all classrooms and corridors will be completed by the middle of August, creating a lighter and more comfortable learning environment for the children. A range of new display boards will showcase their work in a more contemporary way and provide colour to the campus
  • We are creating a dedicated Art Studio within the Primary section of the school, to encourage the students to work creatively with a range of media.
  • We are also converting a classroom into a dedicated Drama Studio. Directly adjacent to the existing Music Room, this is an early indication of the great value which Nord Anglia education puts on the performing arts.
  • We are designing a major refurbishment of the reception and administrative offices within school, with a view to creating a more appropriate and welcoming space for visitors, a more professional ‘front-of-house’ environment for parents to consult with school administrative staff, and an upgraded first aid room for the children. We also aim to create a small volunteer-run shop, where parents can buy school merchandise and beverages.
  • The pendopo (the area in front of reception) is being refurbished to make a more comfortable ‘parent hub’ where families can relax, chat and drink beverages while they wait for their children to finish school.
  • The basketball court and swimming pool will both be subject to refurbishment

We look forward to keeping you all up-to-date with our progress in the weeks ahead.