Nord Anglia Education
Nord Anglia
28 May, 2018

Indonesia Day 2018

Indonesia Day 2018 Our Indonesia Day was a wonderful celebration of culture and it was lovely to launch the day with traditional songs around the courtyard tree. IMG_3060

What an amazing country we have the privilege to live in and how right that we take the time to celebrate this with the children.

Our Indonesia Day was a wonderful celebration of culture and it was lovely to launch the day with traditional songs around the courtyard tree. The school came alive with the colorful prints of all the batik clothing that the children and staff wore for this special day. Through the day the children took part in a carousel of fantastic traditional Indonesian activities. They played traditional games, made Topeng Masks and Cicak Headbands, made batik pictures and played the Angklung in the music room. They were challenged to use leaves to weave Ketupat – and did an amazing job – and also made beautiful bead necklaces. We had a great day, learned so much about Indonesia and love our host country even more now! Well done to the children, staff and parents for all your hard work in making this day a great success.