Nord Anglia Education
Nord Anglia
23 October, 2018

Sorting Hat Magic at NIS!

Sorting Hat Magic at NIS! NIS ‘Sorting Hat' revealed which house team each child is in; Earth, Water, Light and Air. Hero  Sorting Hat

On Wednesday 10 October 2018,  with the help of Ms. Niki masquerading as a Hogwarts’ teacher, revealed which house team each child is in. The children eagerly awaited their name being called to see if they would be in Earth, Water, Light and Air. There was great excitement as they listened for their name and then ran proudly to join their new team. The children will now proudly represent their team over the year in arrange of house team events and projects. Being members of mixed age school teams means that the children learn how to collaborate and to support each other, and gives them a strong sense of responsibility and belonging. It also enables our older students to develop leadership and organization skills as they will take a lead role in planning and running House Team events and projects. We are looking forward to our first House Team Day next term. 

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