Nord Anglia Education
Nord Anglia
04 April, 2019

Buddy Reading House Team Event by Year 4-5 students

Buddy Reading House Team Event by Year 4-5 students On Friday 22nd March, excited Primary Years students gathered in their house teams – Air, Earth,Water, Light – to participate in a Buddy Reading event

On Friday 22nd March, excited Primary Years students gathered in their house teams – Air, Earth, Water, Light – to participate in a Buddy Reading event.


Each house met in a different space. Air grouped together in the gym along with Earth house, while Water lounged in the library. Light gathered upstairs in Stage 1. With books preselected, the older students were paired or grouped with younger children. They quickly settled down to become lost in the world of stories. “It was a joy reading ‘Spinderella’ with Arthur in Year 1” states Jesse, Year 5. After being whisked off to other worlds, the children selected a favourite story or part to act out. After practising, Earth joined Air, and Light and Water got together to perform. The audience thoroughly enjoyed being entertained by other house teams. Jessica, Year 5 says, “ Earth team did a wonderful job of performing the books they had shared with the younger children.”