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News image unicef Blog | homepagefeaturedarticle | Highlights | Secondary Blog
UNICEF World Children’s Day
On Friday we marked UNICEF World Children’s Day with a non - uniform day whereby we all came dressed in blue to symbolise this special day. Amy Bater who is our Global Campus Lead has spent the last month raising awareness of this important and special annual event amongst students and teachers.
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News image aarti Blog | homepagefeaturedarticle | Highlights | Secondary Blog
Are you ready for the future?
Our Year 8s have been pondering upon how Pseudocode is the first step to learning the skills of programming and creating logic which is a great method for uncovering unclear decisions and defining all inputs, outputs and interactions needed to effectively solve a problem.
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News image Sam Spruce Blog | homepagefeaturedarticle | Highlights | Secondary Blog
Teamwork in the sunshine state
Ten students from BCB are on their way to the annual global games competition in January held exclusively for Nord Anglia Education schools across The Americas. They will compete in a range of sports, from flag football to track and field, and swimming to sand volleyball and I have the privilege of accompanying them.
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News image gary blog Blog | homepagefeaturedarticle | Highlights | Secondary Blog
Multi-lingual Mnemonics
In the Y11 ESL classes, we were looking at spelling words and ways to learn new forms of vocabulary. We looked at several ways, from learning synanyms, to translating, to writing sentences in context and having dedicated vocabulary books. One of the more interesting ways to help us to remember words and spellings is by using mnemonics.  We found some of the examples we were given interesting and so I thought I wood share them here.
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News image shakespeare_Zl2nQgL_widexl Blog | homepagefeaturedarticle | Highlights | Secondary Blog
The Power of Student Presence in Monologues and Soliloquies
One of the many highlights so far this year has been studying Othello with the year 10s. No easy task, but with the momentum of energy created by the positive news of vaccinations, ease of restrictions and general global optimism have, I believe, been pivotal in the encouraging level of student engagement in classes this year.
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News image ZL1jpg Blog | homepagefeaturedarticle | Highlights | Secondary Blog
Music as a Trigonometric Function
All IB students have to do an “internal assessment” (IA) in mathematics in order to get their IB Diploma - this is a 12-20 page mathematical exploration on anything that the students are interested in. Some past examples of successful IA topics include: - Finding the optimal trajectory of a basketball - Exploring different strategies when playing Monopoly - Modelling the best “kick” in karate - An exploration into the number e≈2.718... - The mathematics behind shuffling cards - Exploring the birthday paradox
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News image marilia1 Blog | homepagefeaturedarticle | Highlights | Secondary Blog
Language Portrayals
During the first 2 weeks back to school, starting a new academic year, we wanted to hear our students' voices and learn about their perspectives with regards to language learning. We used the Language Portrayals because each person has a particular connection to the language(s) they know along with their lives. What would that look like to our pupils? Is there a preference for any language? Which one do they prefer talking about? Or writing? Or listening to music?
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News image Screen Shot 20210923 at 084803 Blog | PrimaryBlog | Primary Blog
Learning to Learn
Great learning in the Primary school is not about having all the answers or being the first to respond. It is exemplified by the learning behaviours that we instill in our students.
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News image blog24sep Blog | homepagefeaturedarticle | Highlights | Secondary Blog
A brief history of vaccines and learning through a STEAM investigation
​​​​​​​Vaccines have shown to be crucial to the fight against diseases in the history of medicine. Throughout history, they have helped to significantly reduce the incidence of polio, measles and tetanus, among many other infections. Today, they are considered the most cost-effective strategy in the control of viral and bacterial diseases.
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News image Literacy  Primary Blog | PrimaryBlog | Primary Blog
The Power of Words
The closure of schools and the limits placed on the socialisation of young children has led to concerns about the development of speech and language skills in Early Years pupils. What can we, as a school, and you, as parents, do to help mitigate this effect?
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News image IBDP analysis Blog | SecondaryBlog | Highlights | Secondary Blog
DP result analysis and BCB success!!!!
In my first post of the new academic year, I want to take the opportunity to share and discuss our IBDP results from our first cohort of students to complete the course. I am sure you will have seen the headline figures as they were shared on the BCB instagram. However, I hope to share some context about what these results mean and what we have learned from the experience.
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News image Nord Anglia University_Logo_Stacked_Black News | Newsletters | Highlights | Weekly Newsletter | Boletim Informativo Semanal | Whole School News
BCB Weekly Newsletter (27th of August 2021)
This week we held staff training on performance management. As a school we always strive to be better and to do this we all need to learn, reflect, and set targets to improve. We do this with our children on a daily basis, so it is important we do this as a staff.
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News image Picture 1 Blog | SecondaryBlog | Secondary Blog
Reintegrating into Presential School
It actually felt like my first day at BCB on Aug 16th, though I had joined a year back. For the first time, I saw most of the students, used a notebook and pen after a long time and actually had face to face conversations with my colleagues and students. Laughter, chatter, moving of furniture as the students settled into their classrooms all felt new but exciting. I know for a fact that the PE, ART and Science teachers were the most jubilant as finally they could actually do some actual practical teaching.
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News image News Default Image News | Newsletters | Weekly Newsletter | Boletim Informativo Semanal
BCB Weekly Newsletter (20th of August 2021)
There is only one major thing to celebrate this week, your children. It has been fantastic to see how well they have returned to school and settled into a full capacity environment.
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News image Intercompetence Blog | SecondaryBlog | Secondary Blog
International education and intercultural competence
We are all aware of our core value at BCB of being ambitious and having a growth mindset as being part of the group of 73 Nord Anglia Schools but the purpose of education is not just about the self but wider society. Intercultural competence is something that has come to the forefront of international education but what does this mean for our teachers, students and parents as part of the BCB community?
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News image 2021 IGCSE Results News | homepagefeaturedarticle | Highlights
Students at The British College of Brazil celebrate success with IGCSE results
BCB’s students achieved incredible results at the IGCSE's this year. These results follow this year’s International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme results, where BCB’s achieved a pass rate of 100% with an average score of 34, higher than the IB global average of 33.02 points globally.
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News image Welcome News | Newsletters | Weekly Newsletter | Boletim Informativo Semanal
BCB Weekly Newsletter (13th of August 2021)
Just 3 more days to go and we will fully open for the 2021-22 academic year, the tenth anniversary for BCB!
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News image News Default Image News | Newsletters | Weekly Newsletter | Boletim Informativo Semanal
BCB Weekly Newsletter (06th of August 2021)
It is with great delight that we can confirm our ability to welcome back each and every child into full time school from Monday August 16th
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News image ALE_3037 News | homepagefeaturedarticle | Highlights | Whole School News
Outstanding results achieved by our IB Diploma students for the 2020/21 academic year
Our entire school community is excited to share the exceptional first IB results achieved by BCB students in the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme (IBDP). 2021 marks the year of BCB’s first graduating students. This is a landmark moment for any school and it is also a significant moment for BCB.
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