Bang... Tung... Bang...Tung...the beats of the drums mixing with the bangs of the Gong create the unique rhythm of a dragon dance, which makes everyone feel excited for the coming Moon Festival.
The English as an Additional Language (EAL) department works with students whose first language is not English and who therefore need direct support with English.
When beginning a new topic we focus on the ‘knowledge’ element of the International Primary Curriculum. Doing a ‘knowledge harvest’ means that we can respond to children’s ideas and misconceptions accurately. By finding out what children already know, we can identify next steps. The ‘Entry Point’ is always an engaging and memorable kinesthetic experience in which children are immersed in a new topic.
On Thursday 11th April a wonderful event happened that not only bought all of our parents together from each campus, but also raised money for an important long term BIS community partner.
Community service from everyone at BIS continues to shine. The Community Book Swap Event has run across both the Junior and Early Years & Infant Campuses, supported by staff, students and the PTG.
Mr Gumpy’s Outing by John Burningham is an entertaining and engaging story that all the F3 classes have loved sharing together. After journeying through the Talk 4 Writing process, F3 armed themselves with binoculars, clipboards and pencils and excitedly ventured down to the Saigon riverside to see if they could spot Mr Gumpy.
Community service is a significant practice at BIS. One of the main aims of our Community Service Programme is for students to learn to take responsibility towards people, animals and the environment.