03 May, 2024

Year 8 Hungarian Trip to Godollo

Year 8 Hungarian Trip to Godollo - Year 8 Hungarian Trip to Godollo

On Thursday, April 25th, Year 8 Hungarian students embarked on a captivating journey to the Royal Palace in Gödöllő. Their excursion was not only a leisurely outing; rather, it served as a vivid extension of their classroom studies on the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy, delving into the lives of Emperor Franz Joseph and his beloved wife, Sissi. As they walked the magnificent halls of the palace, the students immersed themselves in an enriching blend of history and leisure. They gained insights into the intricate dynamics of the court, and also learnt fun facts such as Sissi's favourite colour. This trip combined education with enjoyment, offering a memorable experience for all involved. 

What our students said: 
I learnt that Franz Joseph liked to hunt. – Kristóf 
I discovered that Sissi’s favourite colour was violet. – Dorka 
I really liked the ball room because it was beautiful and I found out that they had to follow strict rules during the balls. – Laura 
The members of the royal family didn’t spend much time together even during their summer holiday, they only had dinner together, because Franz Joseph had to work a lot. – Tomi 
The royal couple received the palace as a coronation gift. – Péter 


Blanka Lango

Hungarian Teacher / Social Impact Leader