Nord Anglia Education
Nord Anglia
09 September, 2021

Peculiar Picasso Portraits

Peculiar Picasso Portraits - peculiar-picasso-portraits
Peculiar Picasso Portraits The Year 3’s began their first week of Key Stage 2 in an exciting and expressive way.

The Year 3’s began their first week of Key Stage 2 in an exciting and expressive way as they created their very own Picasso, Cubist inspired, self-portrait.

Before creating them, the children learnt all about Picasso’s life and how influential he was as an artist. The children particularly enjoyed looking at his different styles of work, guessing how old he was when he created each piece. To Year 3’s surprise, they found out that he created some masterpieces when he was as young as 12!

Following this the children used their step-by-step skills to create two normal portraits, before cutting them both up to make twelve pieces. The children then took three from one piece and three from the other to make two Cubist inspired pieces of art. The children had so much fun and the classrooms were full of excitement as they made them. This was because the final pieces of artwork ended up having multiple eyes, noses and mouths – as well as some other funky facial features. These will now go up on display in the Year 3 corridor to welcome visitors to the year group, showing them just how much of a creative and imaginative bunch the children are. Next time you visit, don’t forget to keep a look out for them!

By Max Berry

Year 3 Group Leader 

Year 3 Macaws Teacher