Nord Anglia Education
Nord Anglia
17 November, 2022


Kartoffelsalat | BSB Sanlitun - Kartoffelsalat

Tell me and I forget,
teach me and I remember,
involve me and I learn.

According to Vester there are four types of learning: auditive learning, visual learning, haptic learning (hands on learning) and learning through the intellect.



As a part of our annual topic Year 3 German students were learning all about potatoes. They learned all about potato plants, how it grows and what happens with it throughout the year. Using their ‘Be Ambitious’ skills of Collaboration the students created nice posters about potatoes.

Kartoffelsalat | BSB Sanlitun - Kartoffelsalat


We spoke about food made with potatoes. A very traditional dish in Germany is potato salad. Of course, we could not miss it out! The students learned all about the ingredients and steps and wrote a very detailed recipe for the salad. But we could not tell if our recipe was good or not without trying it out. So, we made the potato salad, following our recipe. That was the haptic way of learning, hands on learning, and the students loved it! Year 3 embraced our ‘Be Ambitious’ skills of step by step and collaboration, as they worked together.

Kartoffelsalat | BSB Sanlitun - Kartoffelsalat


Im Wald

Year 4 is learning all about forest. We learned about different types of forest in Germany and about the forest layers (floors of the forest), which animals and plants live on which floor. 

Kartoffelsalat | BSB Sanlitun - Kartoffelsalat

Kartoffelsalat | BSB Sanlitun - Kartoffelsalat


The children also created their own lapbook about the forest where they can collect everything they learned about the forest.


By Valeria Song

Head of German