Nord Anglia Education
Nord Anglia
17 November, 2022

Who’s that trip-trapping over my bridge?

Who’s that trip-trapping over my bridge? | BSB Sanlitun - Who is trip-trapping over my bridge

Reception have entered a magical world of fun learning about the stories Cinderella and The Three Billy Goats Gruff over the past couple of weeks. 

Who’s that trip-trapping over my bridge? | BSB Sanlitun - Who is trip-trapping over my bridge


This week, they have entered the world of meadows, talking animals, and mean old trolls. It has been amazing to see them bring the story to life in the Small World trays, using character puppets and other props to act out the beloved fairytale The Three Billy Goats Gruff, using repetitive phrases such as, ‘Who’s that trip-trapping over my bridge?’ 

Who’s that trip-trapping over my bridge? | BSB Sanlitun - Who is trip-trapping over my bridge

Who’s that trip-trapping over my bridge? | BSB Sanlitun - Who is trip-trapping over my bridge


They have enjoyed expressing themselves artistically through a wide variety of themed crafts, including a 3D Goats scene, designing a bridge and river. They have learned key vocabulary from the story, segmenting the sounds in the words and applying their learning into their creative play experiences. 

Who’s that trip-trapping over my bridge? | BSB Sanlitun - Who is trip-trapping over my bridge


One of the highlights for the students this week was learning and writing new vocabulary on rainbow tablets, as well as mastering the art for how to draw a goat!


By Kate Grosh

Reception Turtles Class Teacher