Nord Anglia Education
Nord Anglia
09 February, 2023

Number Rhymes

Number Rhymes | BSB Sanlitun - Number Rhymes

The Pre-Nursery children had an absolutely amazing learning experience all about ‘Number Rhymes’ in the past two weeks! 

 Number Rhymes | BSB Sanlitun - Number Rhymes


Recently, our Pre-Nursery enjoyed reading a variety of sing-along stories related to counting, for example, Five Little Men in A Flying Saucer, Five Little Ducks and Ten in The Bed. We also enjoyed improving our Mathematic skills by learning and singing our favourite number rhymes, Five Little Speckled Frogs, Five Little Firemen and How Many Fingers on One Hand. 

Number Rhymes | BSB Sanlitun - Number Rhymes

Number Rhymes | BSB Sanlitun - Number Rhymes


The children also had opportunities to make some crafts incorporate numbers, for example, sticking the bears on the bed and singing ‘Ten in The Bed’, colouring and decorating the numbers from 1 to 10 as well as fishing with the magnetic fishing rod and singing ‘1,2,3,4,5, Once I Caught a Fish Alive’.

Number Rhymes | BSB Sanlitun - Number Rhymes

Number Rhymes | BSB Sanlitun - Number Rhymes


We also provided different play-based learning activities to further develop their counting skills, for example, number hunts, small worlds, and interactive counting games and we encouraged the children to have more pre-numeracy discussions during our circle time.  

Number Rhymes | BSB Sanlitun - Number Rhymes


We had great fun learning all about Number Rhymes! 



By Echo Li

Pre-Nursery Starfish Class Teacher