BSKL push up challenge last week was hugely successful. The children enjoyed taking part in the challenge to raise money for such a worthy cause. The school is happy to announce that the BSKL Community has raised RM18,000 for ANGSANAcare Org!!! Amazingly, as a BSKL community, we have completed 13,596 push-ups in total.
The winner of the BSKL Inter house Push-Up competition are the VIKINGS! They alone have contributed 4,096 push-ups. They have been awarded 500 house points by Mr Clarke. One of BSKL students went above and beyond and completed 1,934 push ups on their own. Well done to Axel, Year 6 for your fantastic effort to support this worthy cause.
Later this term, BSKL will be welcoming representatives from ANGSANAcare into one of the Primary assemblies to present the money and learn more about what the money BSKL has raised will be used for. Well done to Faris for all of your hard work and dedication in supporting others.