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Nord Anglia
16 November, 2018

An inspiring Enrichment Day made by promising future leaders

An inspiring Enrichment Day made by promising future leaders All secondary students BVIS Hanoi took part in our second Enrichment Day of the academic year on November 13th. For this day we focused on the Nord Anglia Education Global Campus, Global Challenge which focuses on the importance of Sustainable Development Goal #4- Quality Education. As staff we were all inspired by the promise our students showed today future leaders. It really was a fabulous day!

All secondary students BVIS Hanoi took part in our second Enrichment Day of the academic year on November 13th. For this day we focused on the Nord Anglia Education Global Campus, Global Challenge which focuses on the importance of Sustainable Development Goal #4- Quality Education. As staff we were all inspired by the promise our students showed today future leaders. It really was a fabulous day! 

All of our students completed a session this morning on the importance of education globally and then moved into different activities throughout the day. Year 7-9 students worked in teams to create artwork that highlighted the importance of education for all and then started designing an idea on how they could improve access to education globally. We saw designs of a solar powered portable air filter, a head torch that charges during the day using solar power and students can then complete homework at night and a cheap projector for portable education. Inspiring work from all of these students!

Our Y10-11 students were given the task of raising awareness of the issue by creating media campaigns that could be used to highlight problems in education such as gender inequality and poverty. All of their videos were inspiring and we held a showcase of them in the afternoon session. Y12-13 students spent the morning creating Ted-x style talks on issues in education and they were lived streamed for students to watch at lunchtime and onto our Facebook page.

These students demonstrated a maturity beyond their years and their level of critical thinking was phenomenal. Our A Level media students filmed the day as well and we look forward to sharing that with everyone once it has been edited. As staff we were all inspired by the promise our students showed today future leaders. Today we came together as a school to tackle a global issue and demonstrated what a strong community we are here at BVIS Hanoi.