Nord Anglia Education
Nord Anglia
11 January, 2018

It's a Windy Day!

Wind 1
It's a Windy Day! What do you do on a windy day in Jakarta? Explore the wind, of course!

What do you do on a windy day in Jakarta? Explore the wind, of course!


'In the moment learning' is an important aspect of education; it takes an unplanned event (like a windy day) and transforms it into a learning moment, providing opportunities for children to extend their knowledge in ways that cannot be prepared in advance.

On our unexpectedly windy day in Jakarta the Nursery 2 and Kindergarten 1 children were unsure if the wind was going to be strong enough to fly the plastic bag kites they had made. They made predictions about what may happen. Within moments of running around the windy football field the children's questions were answered. The wind was definitely strong enough to fly their kites...even strong enough to grab one right out of their hands and send it soaring above the trees.

As the children explored the properties of wind, more questions arose and a deeper inquiry ensued. The children tested if the wind was strong enough to fly their kites with twigs attached, and if so, how many? They also discovered that they could capture the wind in a bag, a truly fascinating and imagination-provoking idea for a child.


Ms Marloes van Oostenbrugge

Nursery 2/Group 1 Homeroom Teacher

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