ICS Teaching Heroes - ics-teaching-heroes
ICS Communications
03 April, 2020

ICS Teaching Heroes

Ms Mara_lentils
ICS Teaching Heroes During our third week of virtual learning, we wanted to share some of the fantastic projects and initiatives that our students and teachers have been working on.

During our third week of virtual learning, we wanted to share some of the fantastic projects and initiatives that our students and teachers have been working on. We also wanted to say a huge thanks to our ICS Teaching Heroes, who are working together in such unusual circumstances.


Click the links below to watch their videos!


Growing lentils and measuring plants

Model buildings Jenny

Creating model buildings

Making guacamole

Making guacamole using math skills

newspaper report2

Newspaper report and Showbie tutorial

Steam Challenge_egg drop

STEAM egg drop challenge



In Grade 5, students have been working on monologues. And don’t miss the fantastic theatrical pieces that our students in Grade 10 have prepared at home.

Jose Francisco_video

Visual Arts

Grade 6 Students have been creating a civilisation board games, and they will use a computer software called 'Sketchpad' to produce the final product.

visual arts_board game


In Primary, students had a musical kitchen challenge, which gave them the task of creating music using glasses of water! 

kitchen musical

In Secondary, music students have been completing their Eurovision research projects and have also been building their own instruments out of recycled items with fantastic results.

Rory_Homemade drum

Visual Arts

Students are working on their project 'Sustainable packaging'; they will use a software called Inkscape to create their final packaging.

Visual arts_Sustainable packaging

What’s next?

We are all very proud and impressed by how our community has handled this move to learning from home. Check back soon to discover more of our fun activities – we may have a virtual concert in store for you!