Nord Anglia Education
ICS Communications
04 May, 2020

Earth Day at ICS

K4TH_Eyal_growing plants
Earth Day at ICS This Earth Day our students have had even more time to reflect on how important it is to keep our planet in good working order

As we find ourselves at home this Earth Day, our community has had the unique opportunity to reflect on how global change can start at home. Creating bird feeders, growing plants and studying the harmful effects of pollution are just a few of the ways in which ICS students are taking steps to protect our amazing planet.

1 Alessandro Padilla_Earth Day 1CC_Sofia Wit_Earth Day Jose Maria E_Earth Day K3AD_Juan_World Book Day K4TH_Talal_growing plants 5DH_Angeline_STEAM challenge K4TH_Phoebe_growing and measuring plants

From STEAM experiments to art projects, we’ve been celebrating our unique, diverse and irreplaceable home!