17 March, 2019

2019 NAE Tanzania Expeditions

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NAE Kilimanjaro 2019 was the expedition of a lifetime: 14 students and 2 teachers from LCIS set out to find out more about the highest mountain in Africa, embarking on a journey into the unknown.
Hannah Smith
Expedition Leader
2019 NAE Tanzania Expeditions Conservation & Kilimanjaro 2019 NAE Tanzania Expeditions-2019-nae-tanzania-expeditions-tanzania

Every year, La Côte International School Secondary students have the opportunity to join the Nord Anglia Education Global Campus Tanzania Expedition. In February 2019, elevn of our Secondary students took part in the Conservation Peoject, and fourteen in the NAE Tanzania Kilimanjaro expedition. 

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We couldn’t be more proud of the Secondary students who took part in the 2019 Nord Anglia Education Tanzania expeditions: both teams took gave proof of such maturity and dedication, learning about the local communities they were working with, making a difference in the lives of others, developing leadershop skills, resilience and pushing beyond their limits.

Well done to Bianca, Cole, Will, Siena, Hannah, Albane, Charlotte, Cara, Elina, Paul and Isabelle who were part of the LCIS Conservation Project team; and to Brecon, Anne Fleur, Ethan, Yassin, Lucas, Aisling, Kyah, Max, Fergus, Julia, Raj, Léo, Neve and Tijn from the NAE Kilimanjaro Expedition.

Under the guidance of local Masai warriors, our Conservation Team travelled to the remote Enduimet Wildlife Management Area to install anti-lion lights, meeting local school children and taking in the stunning natural views of animals in the wild.

The Kilimanjaro Climbing Team proved themselves by showing great determination, maturity and fantastic team-work, and they made it to the top, what an amazing achievement! 

All students are making lifelong friends working alongside their peers from other Nord Anglia schools across the world: a truly life-changing and unforgettable experience. Learning does really take place beyond the classroom!