Nord Anglia Education
Nord Anglia
28 April, 2021

ISM Rosinka Earth Day 2021: Restoring, Recycling and Repurposing

ISM Rosinka Earth Day 2021: Restoring, Recycling and Repurposing Following pre discussed initiatives, the Eco Committee at our Rosinka Campus took Earth Day very seriously. 20210422_093804

The Eco Committee decided to use this year’s motto of ‘Restore Our Earth’ as a main focus to the day.

The Eco Committee are committed to whole school development and are eager to create a greater sustainable environment, introducing such initiatives as: -

  • Bottle caps- Used caps to be washed and brought into school to be recycled.
  • Used marker pens- When the ink has dried out, pens are to be recycled and refilled.
  • Used batteries- Batteries are to be collected and recycled for further use.

Following these initiatives, the Eco Committee at our Rosinka Campus took Earth Day very seriously. The Eco-Committee formulated a plan for the whole school to turn off our lights and work with a reduced electrical footprint. By doing so, we highlighted several areas in the school where electrical waste could be reduced and demonstrated that it is possible to reduce our footprint.

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As a whole school, we wore blue and green to symbolize our connection to the Earth and had deep discussions on how we could further improve the situation. This activity included creating placards for a mock demonstration and protest to recycle, reduce and reuse. By engaging in the discussions, we attempted to find solutions and looked within ourselves to become better.

We also repurposed plastic bottles to plant our own seeds and bulbs. As a whole campus, we decided to get our hands dirty and produce new greenery. Some classes took this even further and planted seeds and bulbs in our flowerbeds outside. We plan to monitor their growth with great interest.

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We will continue to think carefully about our footprint and hopefully spread the word further to improve ourselves at home too.