24 November, 2023

Year 7 Studying About Cells

Year 7 studying about cells - Year 7 studying about cells

Year 7 have been studying all about cells, and you have seen in previous newsletters some of the things they have been doing as part of that unit.

To finish off the cells section, the students were tasked with making a model of any cell they wanted. They could make it out of any medium they chose - from Lego to Plasticine, or paper to cake.

Yes, you read that correctly - cake!

We had a lot more baking undertaken than I thought, and I am now not sure how we will manage to finish them all off before we get too full.

Although, this is another learning experience opportunity, as we have been looking at the digestive system. Maybe we should look at diabetes next week?

So, on to cake number three…

Wish me luck.

Kirk Wootton

Teacher of Science/Chemistry