26 May, 2023

Year 9 Hungarian Trip

Year 9 Hungarian Trip - Year 9 Hungarian Trip

As part of their Hungarian History and Literature studies, Year 9 Hungarian Students visited the Hospital in the Rock and the Hungarian Museum of Trade and Tourism on Tuesday, 23 May. First, students found out how the hospital worked during World War II and the Revolution of 1956, then, in the second museum they gained an understanding of the role of cafés in 20th century literature. It was a fun and educational day filled with museums, scenic walks and delicious ice-cream. 

What our students learnt: 

The hospital was very crowded. Originally, they planned it to host 200 patients, but at some points during WWII it had more than 600 patients. - Levi 

After a while there wasn't enough bandage in the hospital during WWII, so they had to take some off dead bodies and reuse them. - Jázmin

In the 1900s, the headroom in café houses needed to be at least 4 meters due to the smoke. - Sarah

We saw a music machine called 'Flóra' that was used in a café house more than 200 years ago. - Alex


Blanka Langó

Hungarian Teacher