01 September, 2023

After School Care 2023

After School Care - After School Care
We are pleased to announce that our Primary After School Child Care service will continue during the first Term of 2023-24, running between Monday, 28th August and Wednesday, 13th December. Spaces are limited, so if you are interested in a reservation, please fill out the application form.

The ASC is run and managed by Ms Angela Nugent.  There will be additional staff members looking after students during the afternoon sessions. 

After School Care - After School Care

• The ASC will be based in the EY centre which gives direct access to an outside area with easy access to toilets. It also makes it easier for you to collect your child.
• Collection will be from the EY garden (from the classroom doors into the building.)

 After School Care - After School Care

• Ms Nugent can be contacted via her school email angela.nugent@bisb.hu. This is the best way to contact Ms Nugent when ASC is not operational.
• The contact number for ASC will remain the same: 06706676723. This will be in service only when the ASC is running from 15.30 – 17.30, Monday to Friday.

The activities that will be offered include:

• Snack 
• Choice of board games, paper based activities or art activities for all children until 16.30 
• Compulsory outside time for all children from 16.30
• Story time and quiet reading opportunities for children will be offered as the schedule suits.

Next steps.
ASC will run from Monday 28th August conclude on Wednesday 13Th December.

Some points to remember.
Informing angela.nugent@bisb.hu  prior to the day if there is an unexpected reason why your child may need to be in ASC.
There will be a weekly jotform link sent out to parents signed up for the service, for required number of days and times of collecting children.

Angela Nugent
Year 4 Learning Support Assistant