26 January, 2024

Last Week's Favourite Dish

Last Weeks Favourite Dish - Last Weeks Favourite Dish

Allergic diseases affect every country in the world. According to European statistics, 1% of the adult population suffers from food allergies, while 4-6% of children have food allergies. The prevalence of food allergies and the main allergens vary with age. Egg and milk protein allergies are relatively common in children, with a prevalence of 2.25% for cow's milk allergies and 2.6% for egg allergies. The good news is that egg allergy, wheat allergy (which is not the same as gluten sensitivity) or even milk protein allergy, developed in early childhood, can be outgrown by a certain age. However, an allergen-free diet, in many cases, should be maintained throughout life. 

We must also distinguish between food allergy and food intolerance. While in the case of food allergy, the allergen ingested causes very serious and, in severe cases, life-threatening symptoms, in the case of food intolerance, contact with the substance causing the sensitivity most often causes only bloating, diarrhoea or abdominal discomfort

You can read more about food allergies on this website: Allergy UK | National Charity

Some of our students are also sensitive to milk protein, lactose and gluten, but some cannot eat eggs or soya.  

The dietary kitchen is in a separate room in our kitchen, where these meals can be prepared in a different space, thus avoiding cross-contamination, especially with gluten. These meals are prepared by a qualified dietetic chef who works with great care and expertise

The kids love the diet food made here, so we'd like to share a dairy-free and gluten-free recipe that was a big hit last week.  


Chicken with Vegan Cheese Sauce

Servings: 4


600 g Chicken breast

1 l Vegan Cream

250g Vegan Cheese



Sweet Paprika Powder or Smoked Paprika



Season the chicken with salt, pepper, and paprika powder, add the garlic and pre-bake at 140°C for 25 minutes. 

Meanwhile, grate the vegan cheese

When removed from the oven, mix the pre-cooking juices with the vegetable cream, add the grated vegan cheese and return to the oven for 10-15 minutes.

You can serve it with gluten-free pasta, or with dairy-free mashed potato.