26 January, 2024

Year 8 Service Learning Action Week

Year 8 Service Learning Action Week - Year 8 Service Learning Action Week

In a week filled with compassion and action, Year 8 students dedicated themselves to service-learning projects focused on the environment. 8 Jade led the way with a delightful bake and plant sale, raising funds for Sünbarát Alapívány, supporting our hedgehog friends.

The creative minds of 8 Topaz and Ruby took flight as they crafted birdhouses, strategically placing them around the school to offer shelter to our feathered friends during the winter months. Meanwhile, 8 Sapphire envisioned a sensory garden, engaging all the senses to create a peaceful oasis. Collaborating with the Changemakers CCA, they made plans for the garden, and hopefully a successful execution will follow soon.

Congratulations to all Year 8 forms for their impactful and successful projects. Through their collective efforts, these students have not only contributed to the betterment of the environment but also demonstrated the positive outcomes achievable when working together for a common cause. Well done, Year 8, for your dedication to making a difference!

Blanka Langó
Social Impact Lead