16 February, 2024

The Heart of the Matter

The Heart of the Matter - The Heart of the Matter

As part of our Healthy Habits topic, Year 5 have been learning about the heart and the circulatory system.

To help us understand the workings of the heart, the Science Department arranged some heart dissection sessions for us in the school laboratories.

Using goose hearts, the children had the opportunity to dissect and explore, in a very hands-on way, the workings and intricacies of the heart.

We would like to thank the Science Department for this wonderful opportunity and experience.

Here are some responses from the children in Year 5:

“I really enjoyed looking at the veins and aorta! I cherished every moment!” Glasha 5 Neptune

“I was a bit nervous at first, but it was interesting and I learned a lot. I am looking forward to more activities like this in the future.” Sophie 5 Wave

“I was really excited to try and cut a goose heart.” Mila 5 Aqua

“I liked seeing what was inside a goose’s heart and especially how stretchy the aorta was.” Athena 5 Cobalt

“I really enjoyed the feel and the touch of the heart. Also, it was interesting to see the goose hear in real life.” Marko 5 Wave