22 March, 2024

Year 6 Hungarian Trip to Kiskoros

Year 6 Hungarian Trip to Kiskoros - Year 6 Hungarian Trip to Kiskoros

On the 20th of March 2024, the Year 6 Hungarian groups trip took us to Kiskőrös, where the renowned Hungarian poet, Sándor Petőfi, was born. Visiting his birth home, we then explored an interactive exhibition connected to the narrative of János Vitéz, the class novel recently completed. It proved to be a day brimming with both enjoyment and educational insights.

Erik expressed his enthusiasm for the interactive exhibition, particularly highlighting the exciting experience of battling bandits. Dániel found delight in navigating through the labyrinth, while Lili and Léna appreciated the comprehensive summary of the story. Tamás, reflecting on the visit to Petőfi's house, discovered the hardships faced by the family, including the necessity to sell their furniture due to poverty.

Levi remarked on Petőfi's parents' aspiration to provide him with the best education, emphasizing their enduring commitment. Emma found the Fairy Land segment of the interactive exhibition to be particularly captivating, while Szandra gained valuable insights into 19th-century living conditions, learning about aspects such as the guest room setup and traditional methods of cooking and heating.

Gabriella Garaine and Blanka Lango