University and Career Counselling

Assisting our Students to Identify Their University of Choice

At BVIS HCMC, we understand that choosing the right educational and career paths can be challenging for both students and parents. Our College and University Guidance Counselling (UGC) Department offers comprehensive support to support this process. We help students understand how to select subjects, consider factors when applying to universities, and explore potential career options.
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Personalised Consultation and Support

Starting in Year 11, students receive tailored consultations to make informed A level subject choices aligned with their career aspirations. Using platforms like the Morrisby Profile, students can explore targeted career paths and other possibilities. Selecting subjects that match students' interests and abilities, and understanding the requirements of various universities and countries, is crucial in their journey towards Higher Education and the future employment.


In Years 12 and 13, one-on-one conversations continue, enabling counsellors to support students comprehensively in defining application timelines, required documents, and understanding academic challenges. Before Year 13 begins, students will start preparing for university applications, and it is essential for counsellors and students to review application checklists and deadlines. Counsellors also assist with personal statements, supplemental essays, and mock university interviews to ensure students are well-prepared for the application process.

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Parents and Alumni Support

We encourage parents to meet with our College and University Guidance Counsellors, as a strong connection between them, significantly enhances the quality of support provided to students. Our school workshops and seminars, focused on university guidance activities, which helps parents to fully engage and connect with our support and guidance.

Additionally, our BVIS alumni provides significant mentorship and support to current students, leveraging their shared backgrounds, understanding and expertise The annual Alumni Reunion event serves as an opportunity for our former BVIS students to share their unique stories and personal experiences with the current student community, providing valuable chances for them to listen, learn from real-life insights, and gain practical advice from their senior peers.

Hoang Minh Quan Quote
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I’d like to express my gratitude to the dedicated support from BVIS teachers, especially Mr. Toby Bate, Head of Secondary, and Ms. Dung, College & University Guidance Counsellor. They organised useful mock interview sessions to help me prepare for real university admissions interviews.
Quan Hoang
Class of 2024 Alumni - Admitted to NYU, UCL and University of Melbourne
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University Fair and Networking Opportunities

Each year, representatives from universities in the USA, UK, Australia, Canada, and other countries visit our institution, either in person or virtually, to share information about their programmes, admissions processes, scholarship opportunities, and workshops. These events help students visualise the university classroom environment and the admission process. We are committed to expanding our network of universities across the globe to strengthen these connections.

In addition to visits from university representatives, we organise events such as the Year 11 Subjects Option Evening and University Fairs, allowing students to explore a diverse range of university options and navigate suitable academic paths in the future.
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Graduating with a global perspective in their learning and a great sense of pride in their heritage, our students are well-equipped to pursue their passions and ambitions wherever they choose to go.

This year, we’re proud of our Class of 2024's exceptional achievement:

🔰1 in 2 of BVIS Graduates have received offers from Top 50 ranked universities globally

🔰125 offers from Ivy Leagues, Russell Group and Group of Eight universities

🔰$3 million USD of scholarships have been offered
Learn more!
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