Nord Anglia Education
Nord Anglia
12 December, 2023

Year 5 International Primary Curriculum (IPC)'s Exit Points Term 1 2023-24

Year 5 International Primary Curriculum (IPC)'s Exit Points Term 1 2023-24 - Year 5 International Primary Curriculum IPCs Exit Points Term 1 2023 24

“Dear Parents, 

Climate change, caused by humans, is pervasive worldwide. Global warming is suffocating our planet and putting millions of people at risk. We listen but often fail to truly hear. Immediate action is imperative. Adjust your daily habits, as small actions make a big difference. Let’s spread this message together to those who know or might not know.” 

- A message from our Year 5 student - 

We would like to expresses gratitude to all families for participating, accompanying, and understanding together with the students in various exciting activities aimed at environmental protection during the Exit Point of the "Climate Change" topic in the International Primary Curriculum this week!