This year, our A Level students achieved an outstanding 100% pass rate in their examinations. Over half of this year’s results were either an A or an A *, with an impressive 26% of all results achieving an A*.
Anyone who has ever tried to learn a completely new language will know that it is a real challenge. At the International School of Moscow, this is exactly what the Modern Foreign Language Department helps our students to achieve in French, Spanish and Russian.
ISM Rosinka's Home Learning Projects have been incredible so far this year. Read this article to find out all about the brilliant projects at our Home Learning Exhibition.
At ISM, we strive to create a learning experience for all pupils that is enriched with exciting activities both inside and outside of the classroom. This was a great opportunity for the children to enhance their poetry writing skills.
In 2017, ISM students demonstrated illustrious mathematics results, emerging victorious in the worldwide COBIS Manga High Mathematics Challenge competition. 2018 brought new exciting maths challenges and fierce competition from other international schools, longing to make our crown their own. Intrigued to learn who the winner was? Read on!