Nord Anglia Education
Nord Anglia
24 November, 2021

ISM UNICEF World Children's Day 2021: Preserving the Future

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ISM UNICEF World Children's Day 2021: Preserving the Future World Children’s Day is UNICEF’s annual day of action for children, by children. WCD Upper Campus 2

Events around the world over the last few months have shown how inequality affects the rights of every child. 

Over the course of the first term at The International School of Moscow, we have explored a range of issues, from climate change, education, and mental health, to ending racism and discrimination. We have seen how children and young people are raising their voices on the issues that matter to their generation and calling for adults to create a better future (see Lala's excellent blog on the refugee crisis published here last month). This World Children's Day, it's more important than ever to engage with young people's ideas to reimagine a better world.   

Since this year's World Children's Day fell on Saturday 20th November, we marked the day one day early at ISM, with both regional events and in school-based activities coinciding with Anti-Bullying Week. 

WCD Upper Campus 3

Benjamin Johnson-Morris, Physics and Science Teacher on Krylatskoe Upper Campus, on this year's event: 

Students on the Upper Campus dressed in blue, raising money towards the Climate Reality Project. This charity was selected by the students in a campus-wide poll, a move towards greater democratisation of Social Impact initiatives that we are keen to pursue. In the spirit of action "for children, by children", many students took charge of the classroom and delivered lessons on the topics that inspire them.  

This World Children's Day we also launched a Nord Anglia European network art exhibition on the theme of Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) in education, reflecting the priorities of the Social Impact student leaders at the Nord Anglia Education UNICEF Summit last July. Students can submit entries as an art form of their choice (film, visual art, drama, music), addressing a wide range of EDI issues: e.g., access to education for children with disabilities; celebrating cultural diversity in schools; equality, etc. Entries can be shared via the campus Social Impact lead, on Global Campus, or to this email address. Entrants will receive a certificate of participation. 

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Nishi Bhagchandani, Year 1 Assistant Teacher and Librarian on Krylatskoe Lower Campus, on this year's event: 
At Krylatskoe Lower Campus, students were welcomed in the morning with blue balloons, cheerful music, and party hats. Also, they played some special roles throughout the day to signify that they could be responsible future citizens. Year 4 students participated in making the ballot boxes and the posters for the poll. They also took the lead in counting the votes. The Lower Campus poll winner was 'SDG 3: Good Health and Hygiene', where we ultimately donated the collected money. This day was the perfect combination of fun and learning. 

As it becomes increasingly clear that our activities affect the planet that future generations will inherit, World Children's Day is more relevant than ever. First established in 1954, this is a time to promote international togetherness, awareness among children worldwide and improve children's welfare. The date of 20th November 1959 is essential since it was the day when the UN General Assembly adopted The Declaration of the Rights of the Child. World Children's Day offers each of us a space to advocate, promote and celebrate children's rights, inspiring actions that will build a better world for children.

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Anna Proskurnya, Year 4 Assistant Teacher on Rosinka Campus, on this year's event: 
Students and teachers at the Rosinka campus have also supported this worldwide movement and came to school dressed in blue. Moreover, students discussed the variety of sustainable development goals the modern society needs to achieve and how we can help locally. As a school, we have established a great tradition of helping less fortunate people around the holiday seasons, so we used this opportunity to reintroduce the "Given Tree" project to the school community. This project has the objective to promote awareness and children's well-being with a view to creating a better world for orphans and vulnerable children.