Nord Anglia Education
Nord Anglia
28 March, 2022

ISM Rosinka World Maths Day 2022

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ISM Rosinka World Maths Day 2022 On Wednesday 23rd March, the Rosinka campus joyfully celebrated World Maths Day in style. The World Maths

On Wednesday 23rd March, the Rosinka campus joyfully celebrated World Maths Day in style.

Throughout the day, the children were tasked with completing several challenges. There were two scavenger hunts for the children to complete: one was an exciting House competition, and the other would determine which year group had the best Mathematicians on both campuses. The most hotly contested competition of all was to guess how many sweets were in a huge jar. Congratulations to Ivan in Year 5 who guessed 773 and therefore crowned Year 5 the winners. 


The fantastic teachers in Rosinka were able to link Mathematics to different subjects for this day. For example, in EYFS the children were consuming doughnuts to solve fractions. In English, children were tasked with estimating how many words there were in each paragraph. In foreign language classes, the children were solving number problems. In Science, the children were using their estimation and measuring skills to carry out investigations. To link History, Art and Mathematics lessons together, Year 6 made incredible Fibonacci circles with phenomenal accuracy! 


The fun also spilled over to breaks and lunchtimes where the children were able to complete sporting activities related to mathematical concepts. This included archery, darts, skipping and hitting number targets- all these activities had different challenges for the children to complete. 

Overall, the children undoubtedly had a wonderful day, and the enthusiasm for Mathematics in Rosinka has never been greater!