Parent Teacher Association (PTA)

We hope you will find all the information you need to get involved and become a part of our vibrant community!

PTA | La Côte International School Aubonne, Switzerland - Content Page Header

The PTA is made up of volunteers and is open to all parents and staff. We exist to offer connection and support to those in our community. We accomplish this by providing a fun and varied calendar of events including:



Date / Time


French Conversation Group

Every Monday at 08:30

All levels welcome!

Lake Swimming

Every Friday at 08:30

Everybody is welcome

Business Monday

Every Monday on social media platforms

Promote your business every Monday

Adult Music Group

Every Thursday at 18:00

Adult Badminton

Every Tuesday at 19:30


Adult Basketball

Every Thursday at 20:30


Meet the team!


Monica Contreras & Jessie Rausch


Katrina Dunnett


Paulina Haces

Events Coordinator

Chrysline Kirassian

Welcome Club

Sally Van Heerden, Lisa Hooper, & Reemtu Kharode

Class Representative Lead

Sandrine Durand

Staff Appreciation

Philia Hiotis

Second Hand Uniform Sales

Anna De Wit & Adriana Lima

Thanks for checking out our page. If you would like to get involved or have any questions for us, please email us: at lacote_pta@yahoo.com.