Your child will flourish at Nord Anglia International School Manila, inspired and empowered by a caring international community that’s like a family. Before you apply, there are few entry requirements to consider, which you can find here. 

NAIS Manila entry requirements

We’re a caring and inclusive international school community that’s open to children aged from 2 to 18. We accept applications all year round and new students can start at any time.

Application and supporting documents 

After filling in our enquiry form and taking a tour, you’ll need to complete your child’s online application form. You’ll also need to send us the following documents: 

You’ll then need to pay our Application Fee.

English language assessment

After receiving your form, supporting documents, and Application Fee, we’ll invite your child to sit an English language assessment. This ensures they can access our curriculum, which is taught in English, and immerse themselves in school life. 

The format of your child’s assessment will depend on their age. For example, students joining us at secondary will need to demonstrate a higher standard of English than those starting in primary.  

Offering and accepting a place 

Once we’ve reviewed your application and assessment, we’ll write to you offering your child a place. We’ll also send you our terms and conditions and confirm their start date. 

You’ll then need to accept the place – and pay our non-refundable Enrolment Fee – within two weeks.

International Grade Checker

Please refer to the grade level guide below to help you make a more informed decision.

Age Japan Australia UK USA/PH
School Calendar
April to March January to December September to August September to August
3-4 Kindergarten Kindergarten Nursery Nursery
4-5 Kindergarten Kindergarten Reception Pre-kindrgarten
5-6 Kindergarten Preparatory Year Year 1 Kindergarten
6-7 Elemantary 1 Year 1 Year 2 Grade 1
7-8 Elemantary 2 Year 2 Year 3 Grade 2
8-9 Elemantary 3 Year 3 Year 4 Grade 3
9-10 Elemantary 4 Year 4 Year 5 Grade 4
10-11 Elemantary 5 Year 5 Year 6 Grade 5
11-12 Elemantary 6 Year 6 Year 7 Grade 6
12-13 Junior High School 1 Year 7 Year 8 Grade 7
13-14 Junior High School 2 Year 8 Year 9 Grade 8
14-15 Junior High School 3 Year 9 Year 10 Grade 9
15-16 High School 1 Year 10 Year 11 Grade 10
16-17 High School 2 Year 11 Year 12 Grade 11



Every family’s application process is different, so we’d encourage you to get in touch with our friendly admissions team to find out how it’ll work for you.
