Nord Anglia Education
NAIS Manila
19 September, 2019


SECONDARY STUDENT PARLIAMENT NEWS: Setting up the Parliament Race This year our Student Parliament is mainly going to be focused on spreading global awareness through the UN Sustainable Development Goals, as well as continuously make improvements to our school.

This year our Student Parliament is mainly going to be focused on spreading global awareness through the UN Sustainable Development Goals, as well as continuously make improvements to our school.


To improve our Student Parliament we want to be able to include as much input from all of the students in Secondary, no matter the year.

What are the Social Development Goals, and why are they important?


The Social Development Goals (SDGs) are a compilation of different issues that our world faces to achieve equal sustainable development for all. It is important that we are aware of these problems to work towards making our learning environment and community a safer place, using the goals as a basis for our actions.

Below is the outline for our Student Parliament Race:

Stage One:

Voting on the Sustainable Development Goals (Thursday Form Time)

  • Each house will receive NAIS Manila UN SDG Voting Ballots to be distributed to all the students before choosing representatives for the house. This is so we could see which of the SDG’s the student body feels most passionate about. It will also act as a basis for what the candidates will campaign on. 
  • The ballots will be distributed this afternoon (18th Sept 2019).
  • The students are required to fill out all the necessary information on the ballots before they are collected.
  • Please aim to have your students all vote and finish the activity by the end of form time. 

Stage Two:

To get our candidates  by Friday assembly time 1335-1400

  • We want our Student Parliament to be as diverse as possible, this is why we aim to get three (3) student representatives from each house.
  • The representatives may be chosen from any year group and must be willing to be part of the Student Parliament. 
  • The students who are interested to join the race may volunteer, however if there is a lack (or excess) of students, the house as a whole must nominate who they feel is fit to be part of Student Parliament. 


After the representatives are chosen, they need to approach either of the Head Students (Natalia, Year 11 or Julianne, Year 10) to receive an application kit that contain all the instructions for the next stage of the Student Parliament Race, as well as campaign details. 


The campaign period will begin on the 23rd of September (Monday) and end on the 4th of October (Friday) as we aim to have the students vote for the Parliament member on the 7th of October.

A Google form will be sent out to the students on the 7th of October (Monday) with all of the candidate information to limit the use of paper, resources etc.

The top five students with the most amount of votes will be chosen as Student Parliament Representatives- regardless or age or House.


Please make sure all students partake in the voting activity, answering any questions related to the Sustainable Development Goals, both Head Students will be roaming around each house class room if any assistance is needed.


We will keep you posted on the next stage of the race.


Natalia and Julianne

2019/20 Head Students