Nord Anglia Education
NAIS Manila
17 February, 2020

NAE-MIT S.T.E.A.M. In-School Challenge

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We have been creative in our own mindset and creating whatever we want to survive in any environment. We have had to think outside the box, to work within a budget, and model our ideas before building. The design and modeling was by far the most fun part of the project. We are really excited that we may end up building it ourselves and seeing our creation come to life!
Tristan and Kei - Year 7 Students, talking about "Shrek-Stopper", an amphibious exploration tool
NAE-MIT S.T.E.A.M. In-School Challenge Nord Anglia Education's collaboration with MIT is aimed to introduce our students to innovative ways of learning the STEAM subjects which encourages creativity, experimentation, and teaches them how to apply their skills to real-world situations.

Nord Anglia Education's collaboration with MIT is aimed to introduce our students to innovative ways of learning the STEAM subjects which encourages creativity, experimentation, and teaches them how to apply their skills to real-world situations.

In-School Challenges

Science and technology are traditionally taught separately. Used together they are tools for cracking some of the world’s greatest puzzles.

Together with MIT, our in-school challenges are designed to encourage students to work together every term to find innovative and creative solutions to complex problems.

 Amazing things happen when you blend the natural curiosity of youth with the learning style of one of the world’s most influential universities.

Mr. McGuinness, our Head of Science for Secondary, introduced one of this year's challenges to our Year 7 students.



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This challenge was set by MIT professor,  Allan Adams. His challenge was to design a camera that can take photographs of an extreme environment. The students have to come up with their design, price it and then present it to Principal Kirkham to see whether he will fund their project.

This project was of particular interest to me as I used to have to explore underwater cave systems during my time as a marine biologist, and I have always liked the idea of using robotics to explore these environments and minimize risks to the explorers.

Some examples of their projects included a camera to explore the deep ocean, a swamp terrain, the Taal volcano, and even a plan for building an earthquake detector for our school!

- Mr. McGuinness
